题 目: Positive Representations in Banach Lattices
报告人: Dr. Marcel de Jeu (荷兰莱顿大学数学研究所)
时 间: 2013年10月21日下午3:00
地 点: 九里校区电气馆3215
摘 要: Many spaces in analysis are ordered (real) Banach spaces, even lattices, and have a norm compatible with the ordering: they are Banach lattices. Examples include L^p-spaces and various spaces of continuous functions. It is easy to find examples of groups acting on such spaces as positive isometries. Compared to the extensive theory of unitary group representations, also arising naturally in the context of such examples, the theory of such positive group actions is, somewhat surprisingly, virtually non-existent.
In view of the success of the theory of unitary group representations, and (strongly related) that of the representations of C*-algebras, it therefore seems quite natural to develop representation theory in Banach lattices. We will survey related results.
This a joint project with Miek Messerschmidt et al.